Ferguson has become some sort of rallying cry for the Race Industry. Seems illogical on the facts: a very large, strong person strong-handed and stole from a store, walked down the middle of a street, interfering with traffic, with a friend, was told by a police officer to get out of the street and onto the sidewalk. That person then hit the police officer, tried to get hold of gun, ignored commands to stop, then ran at the police officer to attack him and ended up being shot and killed by that police officer. The behavior of that person was foolish at best and inviting just the result that he suffered at worst. Yet he is seen as a "victim"? I don't see a victim. I see a thug and a danger to society at large.
But because this person was Black, and a teenager, and did not carry a "weapon" (although when a person is well over 6 ft. tall and 300 plus pounds I consider such a person a weapon in their own right) the attacked officer is supposed to not shoot? The person could have been a Buddhist Monk and I would have shot to protect myself. This is supposed to be a "Race" matter? How illogical is that?
Perhaps we could more helpfully look at behavior of Black toward other Blacks; maybe we could consider behavior in the Black communities. Please?
Ever been in a Black neighborhood and listen to their conversations? Even in a mixed neighborhood, when 3 or 4 Black males of any age get together (eliminating the older mothers, grandmothers and grandfathers, here) their conversation is almost hidden in insults and obscenities. Even their greetings of each other are clearly insulting and...in any other group would constitute "fighting" words.
When will the "leaders" of the Black community...no, not the Race Baiters or the rich members of the Race Industry...put their foot down and demand that Blacks respect Blacks? The leaders I am talking about are the Grandmothers and older mothers who are the only shot at "parents" that so many young children growing up in those communities will ever have. When will they demand that their children show respect to THEM as well as to all others, regardless of race. After all, what is happening now is that members of the Black Community are teaching each other disrespect for each other. And that invites disrespect for everything outside your community...and that leads to both tragedy and poverty.
When will the majority of Blacks turn away from the racist "Race Industry" leaders, like Sharpton and his ilk, and start to follow the example set by so many church congregations in the Black community...no, not the "do-gooders" from white churches who seek to help the "down-trodden" but those within the community who shed tears over the lost potential within, knowing that their children and residents are so much more able than they give themselves credit for. When they will inspire a turning away from hand-outs but look for opportunities to achieve, not receive. To succeed, not survive. The ability is there...it is within. And it is time that Blacks give themselves the respect that they already deserve. THEN some ignorant comment by another black or, heaven forbid, a white person will have no meaning...they will be secure in the knowledge of their own worth and achievements.
I sure would like to see them take their shot. I think we all would be pleasantly amazed at the accomplishments that would result.
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Saturday, November 22, 2014
When did "citizens" get downgraded to second class status?
Way more than a half century ago I studied the Constitution. It didn't excite me, failing as so many of my homework assignments were want to do, and while I now appreciate the assignment, as it helps me find particular sections more quickly. When in school, the Constitution seems quite simple and quite clear: three branches of government, each with their separate responsibilities, and a check and balances element to keep the government from becoming the threat to individual liberty that Thomas Jefferson so deeply feared.
And the purpose of the Federal Government was to defend the Citizens and the borders of the United States of America, providing for the common defense and common good.
I spent some time looking through my dog-eared copy of the Constitution the other night, looking for the Amendment that vacated that last purpose. I couldn't find it. That still puzzles me, because it surely must have been repealed, or somehow eliminated. Why? Well, because the Federal Government is now taking steps to protect non-citizens as a priority over protecting citizens. Apparently my citizenship now grants me second class status. I think this is wrong. I never heard any discussion about a change. I was never consulted...or given an opportunity to vote on such a change. So...why is it so.
Do I hear some of you saying "You are wrong; there has been no such change, ... what are you talking about!"? Well...Consider the following factual points:
First: our borders are "protected" inadequately and those assigned to protect the border actually help and provide aid to people "sneaking" across and into our country;
Second: our federal administrative courts and tribunals release in the general public most of those apprehended with no certainty or, apparently, expectation that they will appear at their next scheduled court appearance and with no way of knowing where they might start looking for these people who are in our country illegally;
Third: while our economy is barely holding steady and we have millions of citizens who cannot find work in their fields or with the sufficient hours that would enable them to support their families, the Federal Government now is going to allow a minimum of 5 million people who have come into the country illegally to get Social Security accounts and work permits so that they can compete head to head with the law-abiding citizens of this country. Our President actually is defying Congress in this step to provide greater difficulty for citizens to find work and jobs that they so badly need;
Fourth: the federal government, when presented with State activity to protect their borders, their businesses, their roads, their homes from people present in their states illegally, prohibits and takes to court those states and prevents those states from protecting its citizens.
Fifth: the federal government provides aid...paid for by money paid in taxes by the citizens of this country...to those here without legal permission.
Now, maybe I just don't understand the situation. However, absent a Constitutional Amendment that makes citizenship a second class existence, I am waiting for anyone in what is presumably MY (and every other citizen's) government to explain why I have been told to stand still while the welfare of non-citizens has been made a priority over my, and my family's, welfare.
Exactly when, and WHY, did the cart get put in front of the horse?
And the purpose of the Federal Government was to defend the Citizens and the borders of the United States of America, providing for the common defense and common good.
I spent some time looking through my dog-eared copy of the Constitution the other night, looking for the Amendment that vacated that last purpose. I couldn't find it. That still puzzles me, because it surely must have been repealed, or somehow eliminated. Why? Well, because the Federal Government is now taking steps to protect non-citizens as a priority over protecting citizens. Apparently my citizenship now grants me second class status. I think this is wrong. I never heard any discussion about a change. I was never consulted...or given an opportunity to vote on such a change. So...why is it so.
Do I hear some of you saying "You are wrong; there has been no such change, ... what are you talking about!"? Well...Consider the following factual points:
First: our borders are "protected" inadequately and those assigned to protect the border actually help and provide aid to people "sneaking" across and into our country;
Second: our federal administrative courts and tribunals release in the general public most of those apprehended with no certainty or, apparently, expectation that they will appear at their next scheduled court appearance and with no way of knowing where they might start looking for these people who are in our country illegally;
Third: while our economy is barely holding steady and we have millions of citizens who cannot find work in their fields or with the sufficient hours that would enable them to support their families, the Federal Government now is going to allow a minimum of 5 million people who have come into the country illegally to get Social Security accounts and work permits so that they can compete head to head with the law-abiding citizens of this country. Our President actually is defying Congress in this step to provide greater difficulty for citizens to find work and jobs that they so badly need;
Fourth: the federal government, when presented with State activity to protect their borders, their businesses, their roads, their homes from people present in their states illegally, prohibits and takes to court those states and prevents those states from protecting its citizens.
Fifth: the federal government provides aid...paid for by money paid in taxes by the citizens of this country...to those here without legal permission.
Now, maybe I just don't understand the situation. However, absent a Constitutional Amendment that makes citizenship a second class existence, I am waiting for anyone in what is presumably MY (and every other citizen's) government to explain why I have been told to stand still while the welfare of non-citizens has been made a priority over my, and my family's, welfare.
Exactly when, and WHY, did the cart get put in front of the horse?
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Is Jonathan Gruber wrong?
In the past two weeks multiple videos have surfaced in which one of the consulting architects of Mr. Obama's Affordable Healthcare Bill is seen and heard referring to the planned obfuscation in the wording and design of the bill so that the American voter would not be aware that money was going to be taken from younger people to pay the medical bills of older insureds; that if that fact were made generally known, the bill would never have passed. He goes on to refer to the general "stupidity" of the American voter in accepting the misleading wording. He does this in many different videos taken at different times before different groups...and he is clearly proud of his accomplishment.
Is he wrong?
And just a vital a question is: was the public mislead by his efforts?
Before I discuss the possible answers to those questions, a little historical review is in order. First...let us keep in mind that the human is always looking for "free" "stuff." Usually it is in the form of a bargain, sometimes it is a gift, but always we feel good if we get something for less than we thought we would have to pay or work.
Second, Politicians have for years proven that they were serving "us" by "bringing home the bacon." How often did we hear during campaigns of how many projects were brought back to us from Washington, how many federal tax dollars were made available to us because of our representatives' efforts? Did any of us...ever...consider that federal tax dollars originally came from US? That our politicians didn't give us THEIR money...they were giving us OUR own money, and taking credit for it? Not many even thought about it. Local pols would brag about a project that wasn't going to cost us anything because they had gotten FEDERAL money...glibly glossing over the fact that Federal Money is our money too. There is no such thing as a free lunch.
However, because everyone in Washington was doing the same thing, and because over time the distribution of money evened out around the country, no harm was done; we all paid our federal taxes and we all got some of it back. No harm, no foul, right?
Unfortunately, however, there was a harm. We got used to accepting political lies and assuming that we weren't being hurt by them. That is incorrect. We were being, and have been, indoctrinated to accept without challenge politicians' promises of "free" stuff...even as deep inside we knew that no such thing existed.
The Healthcare Bill, however, was a break from the traditional, "you protect my back and I'll protect yours" attitude that was largely based on district based "pay backs." This was nationwide and involved what may turn out to be a one time country wide taking from an entire class of people in order to benefit another whole class of people. No foreseeable payback here at all...yet it was sold much the same way, with the added twist of planned and carefully considered lies and misstatements designed to support getting enough votes to enact the bill. The Leaders of the Democrat Party as well as the Democrat President took a Healthcare model that they ideologically favored and crafted a bill that would put this model into place. In the process, the drafted both language and construction that hid the fact that one main element and result of the bill would be re-distribution of wealth. They also knowingly failed to announce this, and when opponents pointed the facts out, lied and denied that it was so.
Adding to this con, the President knowingly assured the American public that the bill would not require anyone who was happy with existing healthcare plans to change anything about their coverage...even as he constructively had to know that he was lying.
And now we are presented with the filmed proof that Mr. Gruber, who was considered the "go to" guy by the administration on the design and construct of the bill, not only worked to hide the facts and present wording that would keep the CBO from considering the true costs of the bill, but was effusively proud of his ability to mislead a "stupid" electorate. And...with that, all members of the administration and of the Democrat members of Congress have developed a curious case of amnesia regarding Mr. Gruber; they only dimly remember the name and cannot recall any substantive dependence on his abilities to design and craft the bill. Suddenly there is no recollection of his being one of 4 people who met in urgent session with President Obama 3 days prior to the Senate vote that passed the bill on pure partisan lines to figure out how to reassure (falsely as it turns out) wavering Democrats who's votes would end up being critical to passing the bill.
Now, any thinking person would think through the process used to conceive, draft, and promote the oddly named "affordable" Healthcare Bill and perhaps some to the conclusion that those that came up with this bill perpetrated a fraud on the American public and on the Congress as a whole, and abdicating their responsibilities under their oath of office in the process. I feel that way, but am not sure that, as self-protective of federal office holders as Federal Law is (note that the RICO statutes exempt Congress for consideration thereunder) seems to be, there is any legal recourse.
The main thought of this particular post, however, is...was, and is, Mr. Gruber wrong in his attitude about the intelligence of the American voter.
One can argue both ways. Surely, there was an effort by opponents to point out that the claims by Mr. Obama, Mr. Reid, Ms. Pelosi and the rest of those in office were false and could not be accomplished under the claimed financial considerations. At some level, we all know that there is no such thing as a "free" lunch, yet we did not react with either anger or disbelief, but sat silently by as Congress acted. And even recently, many of those Democrats who voted for the bill were re-elected...and this was done with them acknowledging that they never read the Bill before voting in favor. These are certainly facts that seem to support the accuracy of Mr. Gruber's characterizations.
On the other hand, people in a bad economy are focused on working, earning money, stretching their available funds to take care of their families and they believe, with certain fairly minor deviations, that their elected representatives are looking out for them...at least in the major areas. And Healthcare involves about one-sixth of the American Economy...so I could also argue that the electorate could reasonably rely on their elected officials to do the right thing...even as the opposition was shouting "fraud" and "you lie" to the high heavens.
I suspect that many of those that partake of the Progressive, Socialist, Liberal, Democrat ideology do indeed see themselves as of superior intellect, an elite group that truly does the entire country a favor by not only knowing what is best for everyone, but doing it despite any desire on the part of the "others" to disagree. That is the attitude so clearly demonstrated in Mr. Gruber's commentaries. He may be right. I happen to think he is wrong...but I don't count. Elections have consequences and recent elections certainly have seemed to support a general acceptance of Mr. Gruber's ( and those of Mr. Gore, Mr. Soros, Mr. Obama, Mr. Reid, and Ms. Pelosi, among many others) point of view.
One wonders if we have reached a tipping point in this country where no longer will the electorate insist on government being responsive to the public, but allow the government to cause the electorate to serve the government. After all, when was the last time that the government gave you back a personal freedom...or granted you a new one?
Is he wrong?
And just a vital a question is: was the public mislead by his efforts?
Before I discuss the possible answers to those questions, a little historical review is in order. First...let us keep in mind that the human is always looking for "free" "stuff." Usually it is in the form of a bargain, sometimes it is a gift, but always we feel good if we get something for less than we thought we would have to pay or work.
Second, Politicians have for years proven that they were serving "us" by "bringing home the bacon." How often did we hear during campaigns of how many projects were brought back to us from Washington, how many federal tax dollars were made available to us because of our representatives' efforts? Did any of us...ever...consider that federal tax dollars originally came from US? That our politicians didn't give us THEIR money...they were giving us OUR own money, and taking credit for it? Not many even thought about it. Local pols would brag about a project that wasn't going to cost us anything because they had gotten FEDERAL money...glibly glossing over the fact that Federal Money is our money too. There is no such thing as a free lunch.
However, because everyone in Washington was doing the same thing, and because over time the distribution of money evened out around the country, no harm was done; we all paid our federal taxes and we all got some of it back. No harm, no foul, right?
Unfortunately, however, there was a harm. We got used to accepting political lies and assuming that we weren't being hurt by them. That is incorrect. We were being, and have been, indoctrinated to accept without challenge politicians' promises of "free" stuff...even as deep inside we knew that no such thing existed.
The Healthcare Bill, however, was a break from the traditional, "you protect my back and I'll protect yours" attitude that was largely based on district based "pay backs." This was nationwide and involved what may turn out to be a one time country wide taking from an entire class of people in order to benefit another whole class of people. No foreseeable payback here at all...yet it was sold much the same way, with the added twist of planned and carefully considered lies and misstatements designed to support getting enough votes to enact the bill. The Leaders of the Democrat Party as well as the Democrat President took a Healthcare model that they ideologically favored and crafted a bill that would put this model into place. In the process, the drafted both language and construction that hid the fact that one main element and result of the bill would be re-distribution of wealth. They also knowingly failed to announce this, and when opponents pointed the facts out, lied and denied that it was so.
Adding to this con, the President knowingly assured the American public that the bill would not require anyone who was happy with existing healthcare plans to change anything about their coverage...even as he constructively had to know that he was lying.
And now we are presented with the filmed proof that Mr. Gruber, who was considered the "go to" guy by the administration on the design and construct of the bill, not only worked to hide the facts and present wording that would keep the CBO from considering the true costs of the bill, but was effusively proud of his ability to mislead a "stupid" electorate. And...with that, all members of the administration and of the Democrat members of Congress have developed a curious case of amnesia regarding Mr. Gruber; they only dimly remember the name and cannot recall any substantive dependence on his abilities to design and craft the bill. Suddenly there is no recollection of his being one of 4 people who met in urgent session with President Obama 3 days prior to the Senate vote that passed the bill on pure partisan lines to figure out how to reassure (falsely as it turns out) wavering Democrats who's votes would end up being critical to passing the bill.
Now, any thinking person would think through the process used to conceive, draft, and promote the oddly named "affordable" Healthcare Bill and perhaps some to the conclusion that those that came up with this bill perpetrated a fraud on the American public and on the Congress as a whole, and abdicating their responsibilities under their oath of office in the process. I feel that way, but am not sure that, as self-protective of federal office holders as Federal Law is (note that the RICO statutes exempt Congress for consideration thereunder) seems to be, there is any legal recourse.
The main thought of this particular post, however, is...was, and is, Mr. Gruber wrong in his attitude about the intelligence of the American voter.
One can argue both ways. Surely, there was an effort by opponents to point out that the claims by Mr. Obama, Mr. Reid, Ms. Pelosi and the rest of those in office were false and could not be accomplished under the claimed financial considerations. At some level, we all know that there is no such thing as a "free" lunch, yet we did not react with either anger or disbelief, but sat silently by as Congress acted. And even recently, many of those Democrats who voted for the bill were re-elected...and this was done with them acknowledging that they never read the Bill before voting in favor. These are certainly facts that seem to support the accuracy of Mr. Gruber's characterizations.
On the other hand, people in a bad economy are focused on working, earning money, stretching their available funds to take care of their families and they believe, with certain fairly minor deviations, that their elected representatives are looking out for them...at least in the major areas. And Healthcare involves about one-sixth of the American Economy...so I could also argue that the electorate could reasonably rely on their elected officials to do the right thing...even as the opposition was shouting "fraud" and "you lie" to the high heavens.
I suspect that many of those that partake of the Progressive, Socialist, Liberal, Democrat ideology do indeed see themselves as of superior intellect, an elite group that truly does the entire country a favor by not only knowing what is best for everyone, but doing it despite any desire on the part of the "others" to disagree. That is the attitude so clearly demonstrated in Mr. Gruber's commentaries. He may be right. I happen to think he is wrong...but I don't count. Elections have consequences and recent elections certainly have seemed to support a general acceptance of Mr. Gruber's ( and those of Mr. Gore, Mr. Soros, Mr. Obama, Mr. Reid, and Ms. Pelosi, among many others) point of view.
One wonders if we have reached a tipping point in this country where no longer will the electorate insist on government being responsive to the public, but allow the government to cause the electorate to serve the government. After all, when was the last time that the government gave you back a personal freedom...or granted you a new one?
Federal Power,
Obama Administration,
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