Sunday, October 17, 2021

Statistics have corrupted America

 Statistics, of and by themselves, are inconsequential.  To properly understand and use them, one needs to know who compiled them AND their (or their organization's) agenda...and there is always one.

America today is slowly but inexorably crumbling under what is euphemistically called "social" justice and "racism."  It is supported by those who use the concepts to attain and retain power over others...NOT to be either "social" or "just."  Funding anything or anyone because of so inconsequential a thing as "skin color" is not only is demeaning.  How dare anyone argue that skin color correlates to ability or value?  That is moronic. One might as well argue that hair color, foot size, or height is such an indicator.  

Those who disagree with me point to statistics to prove that discrimination exists with regard to skin color.  NEWS FLASH: we all, of all backgrounds and origin, discriminate every day.  We associate primarily with those who make us feel most comfortable and with whom we agree on most things.  Many of us have deep feelings and arguments ( I think of them as discussions) about the matters about which we disagree...but when that is done, we  USED TO REMAIN FRIENDS.  I still have acquaintances who feel the same way.  But many have faded away.

Why?  Because Social Media (a false term, as it is primarily an attack vehicle and NOT to better society or make people more sociable) has lured us into judging the value of a person by their position on just one thing.  We have forgotten how to appreciate and value the whole person as separate from his or her position on any one topic. How shallow and obtuse can you be to make such an error...or is it purposeful?  If you can shut down any but the opinions and beliefs you hold dear, and chose to do the Political and Social Left is currently successfully (to a large extent) doing in America, how soundly based can those beliefs be?  If not tested, how can you be prepared what challenges may arise in the future.  Imagine if the concept of a flat world had been supported by refusing even the utterance of the idea of a world that was round?  What if the concept of using anything but horses for transportation had been suppressed?

The very power of the Left today would never have developed if the efforts now being made by them to control communication and people had been applied to THIER ideas and concepts.  Yet they feel no shame in working to eliminate discussion of challenges to their policies and beliefs.

If America had stayed true to the concept of America as "The Great Melting Pot" all would be well today.  Immegrents used to learn language, social skills, and behavior so they could become a part of America...not create a mini-version of the country they left. If America had remained focused(and would again focus) on PERFORMANCE and EXCELLENCE as well as HONESTY, all would still be well.  But we did not.

Why did so many immigrants come to America when they knew they would initially be looked at askance by citizens who distrusted their "difference," their allegiance,  their appearance and their language?  After all, THEY weren't brought here as slaves, were they?  Why did they come?

Arguably it was because they saw greater opportunity to EARN a better live in America than where they originated and wanted to BECOME AMERICANS.    They WANTED to ASSIMILATE, and become a part of America.  They wanted to value themselves the way Americans valued people.  That attitude has apparently vanished in today's America.  No wonder the Republic is under attack.

Statistics (were you wondering when the title of this piece was going to make sense) have been used to eliminate the concept of "The Melting Pot" and "assimilation" from becoming "an American."

Keeping statistics about employment, wealth, crime and anything else creates the assumption of causality between the categories used. That presumption is and should be considered false unless proven...and that has not been proven.  Why not proven?  Because they are tracking two SYMPTOMS, not causes.  Race doesn't cause crime.  Color of skin doesn't cause crime, or stupidity.  Neither does hair color or style, foot size, or nose shape...but if we started to track those with statistical precision, someone would argue causality so that they could get support for increased control, power or financial benefit.

Instead, most young people in America today have become hyphenated Americans instead of assimilating: they are AFRICAN Americans, IRISH Americans, HISPANIC Americans...  What nonsense.  My father came to America so that he could TAKE A CHANCE for success; no guarantees, no certainty.  He left the country of his birth because he wanted to have a better life.  We all have that opportunity.  If an American feels that he or she cannot succeed and achieve in America, they have the right to research and find such a country and move there to TRY to achieve their dream. Those who are descendants of African slaves could chose to emigrate to a country in Africa, become part of a visible majority and have no reason to suggest that skin color somehow inflicts a disadvantage...but few do that.  That suggests that they do have opportunity in America that is greater than anywhere else and can be achieved through effort and accomplishment.  And despite the race-baiter who claim to be "leaders," they have proven very capable of such business, in law, in our Supreme Court and in political positions of power.  Any suggestion of lack of opportunity to TRY is demonstrably nonsense.

As for America, if we stopped keeping statistics on Race, skin color, age and country of origin, like the Irish, Germans and those from the far East and worked at "assimilation" we would in a remarkably short time again become a nation of Americans who respected and valued each other as individuals in total, not just one belief or skin color or political ideology.

Stop allowing profiteers in ALL walks of life from using statistics to lie to us about our motives and beliefs. Stop schools from indoctrinating and get back educating and being able to be challenged and respond intelligently, not dismissing and censoring.

Start once again promoting excellence (in ALL things) and achievement as the basis for gaining education, wealth, acceptance.  Equality of OPPORTUNITY, NOT RESULTS is the goal.  Consequences of failure cannot and will never be avoided...only occasionally delayed.  

If we all wake up to these truths (not "woke"...whatever that dog whistle term really means), the Republic can not only survive, but thrive and move forward.  I pray that will happen. 

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The Revenge of the World on the Ugly American (with help from within)


The Revenge of the World on the Ugly American

(with help from within)


In the late 1950’s Lederer and Burdick wrote “The Ugly American,” which pointed out the arrogance and nerve of American’s attitude toward the rest of the world and their way of live.  As transportation and communications improved exponentially, Americans and their businesses expanded into the world and carried with them the concept that all American ideas and practices were the solution to everything and the pre-existing attitudes and values of everyone else were not just worse, but wrong.


In America today, the rest of the world, with help from the Baizuo Democrat Leftists, is getting its revenge.  In most of the last century and before, the immigrants from around the world came to America to become Americans.  They gave up most of the practices from their home country to assimilate into American society and adopt our ways, language, moral precepts, and became within a generation just like all those before them.  Those who have watched Americans emigrate to other countries have seen the same thing happen in reverse.


But Twenty-first Century America is being overrun by people who have come to America, many of them illegally, who want to change America into a better version of their country of origin.  Of course, many of them define that as meaning that THEY are in control in the form of a Dictatorship.  The rest have ideological beliefs that are anathema to any form of democracy.  And they are aided and abetted by Americans who came to America from countries that abused them in search of freedom, which they now are using to destroy the very country that saved them.  Not to be undone, there are power hungry Americans who see the resulting chaos as a way of grabbing more power.


The questions is…why do the majority of current Americans accept this degradation?  Are they evaluating and throwing away individual freedom, or have they been indoctrinated by an educational system now in the control of those who believe democracy is a bad way to govern?

Sunday, February 14, 2021

"Citizens" vs "Government": Which serves the "will" of the "people?"

 Violence recently visited our nation's Capitol.  Elected Officials responded with fear and outrage.  Some died.  Generally, the Media condemned the people who demonstrated anger with the Federal Government.

Does anyone else note the similarity and parallels of this event with the Boston Tea Party and other violent events in our country that proceeded the Revolution? 

For years, we have been surrounded by the attitude and claim that government exists to serve the people.  We even used to call our elected officials and other who get a paycheck from the Government as "Public Servants."  Not sure if that term survives in today's America, however. But is is curious how that concept was jettisoned universally in the wake of the demonstration of anger against what many today refer to as "the Washington Swamp."  Across the political spectrum, few deny that our elected officials no longer act and vote in a way that demonstrates that they represent those who live in the districts and states from which the were elected...ostensibly to represent the whole of those states and districts rather than serve their personal goals, wants, and desires.

No objective person believes that if Ms. Hillary had been elected anyone not "in the know" in Washington would ever have known about the weaponization of our security agencies, about the lying to the FISA court, and other self-serving motivations of those at the head of these Federal Agencies.  The hatred of a person coming to office that wasn't looking for or flattered by being offered a ":seat in the Washington 'club' " was not only natural but essential to the "swamp's" survival.  And survive they did,.

Perhaps, however, those who are members of and who value "the Swamp" might be wise to know that those who showed their anger can very well be described as a "small faction" of the electorate, but for each person who was protesting in anger there are 100 who could not attend and who are just as convinced that our government no longer serves or cares about us but instead exists to create power and financial security for themselves.  They act and speak as if none of us notice how our elected officials come into office with average self-worth, are paid salaries that barely cover the cost of living in D.C., yet retire with vast fortunes...the source of which is never explained or questioned.

For now, "the Swamp" abides.  But I wouldn't bet the farm on just how much longer its control will survive.  And the Media is seen as just as corrupt.  Tomorrow is another day.  As investment firms advertising always says (quickly, in small print or too fast to actually hear) "past performance is no guarantee of future performance."  I would add to that "or of survival." 

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Spending money you don't have isn't "Ideology," is FRAUD

 Life in general, and government in particular, exists with multiple beliefs and ideologies held by many.  Arguments and discussions are (or, at least used to be) commonplace throughout the world.  Where a practical democratic element exists, different ideologies come to power and then lose it on a fairly regular basis.

But some practices go beyond the pale...and for some reason no significant part of America's population wants to acknowledge this. Consider the following:

  • As of January 23, 2021, at 8:05 am, the United States National Debt Budget deficit was above Twenty-Seven Trillion Eight Hundred Million ($27,800,000,000,000) Dollars;
  • As of the same time, the United States National Debt deficit total was above Eighty-two Trillion Two Hundred Billion ($82,200,000,000,000) Dollars;
  • United States Gross Annual Domestic Product output is just over Twenty-one Trillion, Two Hundred Billion ($21,200,000,000.000) Dollars.
We owe more than the value of what we produce in a year.  And the total unfunded liabilities are almost four times what we produce in a year.

Any organization other than our government would already be in bankruptcy.

This kind of Ponzi scheme is why Bernard Madoff is in jail right now.

If the Federal Congress had not exempted themselves from application of the RICO statutes when they were written and  passed into law, a majority of Congressmen and women would now have jail cells adjoining Madoff...which may explain why they did, in fact, exempt themselves.

Why do you all ignore this corruption?  Is it because, like many of Madoff's customers, YOUR check cleared?  ...because YOU are getting "stuff" that you don't have to pay for?

Perhaps it is time to start drafting a (apologies to the Catholics out there) "mea culpa" letter to your great grandchildren and beyond.  Perhaps you need to come up with a defense for your stealing their financial well-being.  And I wouldn't waste time with the "I didn't know" or the "I only did what I was told was ok" defenses...they didn't serve those tried in Nuremberg and they won't save your reputation here.  Want to make it right?  Each family just send a payment of Twenty-eight Thousand, fourteen ($28,014) to the Federal government right now (the amount will grow by tomorrow)

Oh...and you folks in New York, California and other states where the State is spending money they don't have had better check how much more you need to sent your Governor to balance their budget(s).

I have failed them too...but at least I spoke up, and voted based on candidates' recognition and willingness to stop this generational theft.

What will you say?

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Hatred of People is an abhorrent display of the worst of human nature

 Do you "hate" anyone?


My Dad once, when I was discussing what my benefits would be if I tried to do a particular thing, responded that I should never consider "what I would make or accomplish" as a first question.  "What do you mean?" was my response.  He said, "first, ask what is the cost or the effort needed, then ask if you have the time, effort or the money and if you can afford to lose the time, effort or money.  If the answer is that you can't, then don't bother with the consideration of what you might can't afford it."

If one considers his or her "hates" it is likely that the "why" has very little to do with the soul or essence of the person, but is about fear of the effect on the hater of the beliefs or the actions of the person they claim to hate.  And the basis of the fear is immaterial; it can be behavior (speeding down your road) or politics (favoring policies you find threatening) or something else.

Hatred also reveals a mind out of control, under the influence of the "flight or fight" emotional response that drowns all trace of logic and inevitably leads to unfortunate consequences.

All homo sapiens are of "mixed" instincts and behaviors.  The worst of criminals or psychopaths has performed some (perhaps singular) act of kindness or goodness, while even those among us who we consider "saint-like" or "good" has some secret (again, perhaps merely a singular) act that is sinful or abhorrent.  All or nothing appellations are simply doomed to be inaccurate...and inaccuracy of judgement leads to bad decisions and unwanted consequences.

Also...hatred, when exhibited, demeans the hater and demeans and brings disrespect on his or her beliefs or arguments.  It is not attractive. And it is never productive.

Perhaps the next time you think, or say, "I hate him (or her)," it would be well to pause and consider what is causing you to be fearful or threatened.  Is it an actual act by the person?  Is it something they believe, or something or some action that they support?  Because that same person may also be in favor of any number of things that you also favor and see value in...if you hate the person, you are hating those things too.  That is illogical and flawed reasoning, so it would be well to think it through.

Hatred displaces logic and loses arguments on the merits.  When someone with whom we are arguing starts calling you names or resorts to swearing, that person has lost the argument and fear of that has directed him or her to insults rather than reason.  Hatred is just an extreme extension of the same.

Our lives on this earth are short enough.  Do any of us really have enough time to waste on "hating?"  Frankly, I pity those that "hate" and just refuse to spend time listening to or spending time with them. Many can argue, disagree, discuss and even if unconvinced can still respect each other and be civil...perhaps even be friends...even while honoring differences in our lives and minds, and those are the people I want to be around.  How about you?