I suspect that most of the citizens of Greece and of Rome were surprised when their civilizations collapsed. After all, just living life and taking care of one's responsibilities to provide for one's family and to attend to each of our obligations takes time and attention. We all tend...and I thing the citizens of Rome and Greece also..to trust those with governmental power to preserve our safety.
We assume!
Of course we are aware of just how wrong that is...but we do it anyhow. In part, we do it because those who got our vote promised us that they would look out for us...and, after all, they grew up in our town or county and knew what our attitudes were. How could we expect that they would ignore us in favor of "strangers?" Yet...they did. And do.
Once our politicians leave our (their) town...they don't want to come back. Even running for re-election is a chore and make them uncomfortable. Just watch them at local "Town Halls." Notice how controlled it is! Notice how it "feels" like "us" versus "him (or her)". Didn't feel that way the first time he or she ran for office, did it?
They went to Washington and became part of a new community. The Washington establishment doesn't truly care about your town, your county, or your state. They no longer are a part of it. They have become a part of the elite establishment who, as a group, reassure each other that they "know best" and that your interests are just "wrong."
Are any of you who read this post for even one instant think this isn't so? Are you that naive? Or that wrapped up in your individual life pressures that you haven't noticed? You have been...and continue to be...scammed. Conned. Lied to. And...IGNORED.
But...you are too busy to do anything about it, so our country is stricken and on the way to oblivion.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Monday, June 13, 2016
Have we become a nation of "victims?"
Once upon a time (and, no...this is not a fairy tale) America was a country full of people who "did" things. Our forefathers never ever expected to be given anything; they expected to live or die on the basis of whether they succeeded or not. And many did die. The actual number of people that died as America was settled and then expanded west is unknown...at least I have never seen any estimate supported by good research. Those who survived accomplished amazing things.
These people were of all kinds: kind, cruel, gifted, lucky and all sorts of other mixes of character traits. The common trait, however, was that they had only themselves to rely on and that meant they had to take responsibility for the path that their lives took. They were doers...NOT watchers. They acted. They acted to accomplish goals: to eat, live, support their family, to defend their family. None of them...that survived...expected this to be done for them. They didn't sit around waiting for someone else to support or protect them.
Very few people of that frame of mind exist in America today. Those that do are vilified as cruel, unkind, uncaring and/or racist...in addition to many other terms of disrespect. Why? For two main reasons: 1. that sort of attitude is embarrassing to those who are supported by government handouts and if acknowledged as a good thing would leave the recipients feeling "less than";2. the politicians who use the "giving" of other peoples' money to those who don't achieve in order to "buy" their votes and thereby remain in office do not want that fact...or the fact that they usually never keep their promises...highlighted, lest they lose their position of power. I can remember the days of the Community Chest and local Churches and Charities taking care of the "deserving" poor. Yes...I said "deserving." Because in those days every town and county had hard working folk who had disaster visited upon them unexpectedly and were as hard-working as any other member of the community...they deserved help. Likewise, every town had some who were poor out of lack of effort or impulse, making a career out of looking for a hand out. Those folk were never indulged...except for the "elitists" and Progressives in town who were rich and make themselves feel worthy by ostensibly giving funds to any poor person providing it could be done ostentatiously...in public.
Today's America is populated by an increasing number of passive and active "victims." Almost half now receive money from the government that has no basis on their contributions to government programs, like Social Security. That is money that was paid by the recipients over past years, and that is repaid by the government now on the basis of how much you contributed during your working and productive years. No...I am talking about reverse taxation, unemployment, welfare and the like.
There was a time when a majority of people who found themselves in a position to have to take such support were embarrassed to do so; they knew that they hadn't earned it, and looked forward to getting back on their feet so that they could take pride in living off of what they earned. No such embarrassment today; in fact, there is a certain pride and braggadocio exhibited by those who are "stealing" tax dollars from those who do work and pay the taxes that are so blithely redistributed by politicians. And the majority allow this sort of attitude...even applaud it. I find it disgusting.
The same goes for defending ourselves. We allow the government to abandon guarding or enforcing our borders. We make excuses to not hold those that attack us accountable, thereby keeping from having to react in any forceful way to eliminate such attacks. A majority sit around as if there is nothing to be done...except to chant mantras and call for peace and love. I remember a saying common when I was growing up: "God helps those that help themselves." One didn't sit around moaning about something...you did something about it. Maybe you failed, but you tried. You didn't whine about it or mis-characterize it for some unrelated agenda item. It wasn't about words. It was about doing! Victims whine. Independent free human beings act, and take pride in that fact.
Too bad that America has forgotten how to do that.
These people were of all kinds: kind, cruel, gifted, lucky and all sorts of other mixes of character traits. The common trait, however, was that they had only themselves to rely on and that meant they had to take responsibility for the path that their lives took. They were doers...NOT watchers. They acted. They acted to accomplish goals: to eat, live, support their family, to defend their family. None of them...that survived...expected this to be done for them. They didn't sit around waiting for someone else to support or protect them.
Very few people of that frame of mind exist in America today. Those that do are vilified as cruel, unkind, uncaring and/or racist...in addition to many other terms of disrespect. Why? For two main reasons: 1. that sort of attitude is embarrassing to those who are supported by government handouts and if acknowledged as a good thing would leave the recipients feeling "less than";2. the politicians who use the "giving" of other peoples' money to those who don't achieve in order to "buy" their votes and thereby remain in office do not want that fact...or the fact that they usually never keep their promises...highlighted, lest they lose their position of power. I can remember the days of the Community Chest and local Churches and Charities taking care of the "deserving" poor. Yes...I said "deserving." Because in those days every town and county had hard working folk who had disaster visited upon them unexpectedly and were as hard-working as any other member of the community...they deserved help. Likewise, every town had some who were poor out of lack of effort or impulse, making a career out of looking for a hand out. Those folk were never indulged...except for the "elitists" and Progressives in town who were rich and make themselves feel worthy by ostensibly giving funds to any poor person providing it could be done ostentatiously...in public.
Today's America is populated by an increasing number of passive and active "victims." Almost half now receive money from the government that has no basis on their contributions to government programs, like Social Security. That is money that was paid by the recipients over past years, and that is repaid by the government now on the basis of how much you contributed during your working and productive years. No...I am talking about reverse taxation, unemployment, welfare and the like.
There was a time when a majority of people who found themselves in a position to have to take such support were embarrassed to do so; they knew that they hadn't earned it, and looked forward to getting back on their feet so that they could take pride in living off of what they earned. No such embarrassment today; in fact, there is a certain pride and braggadocio exhibited by those who are "stealing" tax dollars from those who do work and pay the taxes that are so blithely redistributed by politicians. And the majority allow this sort of attitude...even applaud it. I find it disgusting.
The same goes for defending ourselves. We allow the government to abandon guarding or enforcing our borders. We make excuses to not hold those that attack us accountable, thereby keeping from having to react in any forceful way to eliminate such attacks. A majority sit around as if there is nothing to be done...except to chant mantras and call for peace and love. I remember a saying common when I was growing up: "God helps those that help themselves." One didn't sit around moaning about something...you did something about it. Maybe you failed, but you tried. You didn't whine about it or mis-characterize it for some unrelated agenda item. It wasn't about words. It was about doing! Victims whine. Independent free human beings act, and take pride in that fact.
Too bad that America has forgotten how to do that.
government hand outs,
Social Security,
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