I haven't had the stamina to write for quite awhile. In the face of such an atmosphere of hatred from the Left and derision on the right, as well as the Gubernatorial-declared self-imprisonment (clearly non-productive since COVID is increasing even in the fact of masks and confinement) life just seems to be an existence confined in a warlike maelstrom, ... mental, physical and emotional. Some days I turn off the radio, television, computer, then close the door and pray that no one knocks...hoping to restore some sense of civil equilibrium. But the next day the chaos still exists. I keep asking, "WHY?"
Why the Left extremists hate President Trump is easy to define: he denied Hillary her place as the first women President (although honesty would insist that her loss was her own doing),...and a Liberal one at that; he is the first elected President to come to Washington with no interest in, and has refused to join, the "good old boys politicians and bureaucrats club"; he fights back when attacked,
The Media's hatred is also no mystery: he fights back when they attack him; he refuses to think they and their actions/comments are sacrosanct; he points out their "taking of sides" (well, actually just one side...opposing anything he says, things, or does) and lying.
But the opposition and disdain on the part of many Conservatives and the "clubhouse" Republicans has always been more of a mystery. One would think that the fact that he has kept more of his campaign promises than all of the Presidents since FDR put together would elicit their support. He has turned out to be much more "Republican-ish" than the Right expected when he ran for the nomination...being more pragmatic and only failing in the area of financial national planning...and with a singular exception all politicians on all sides of the fence have failed in THAT area. So...WHY?
Finally, I think I may have a possible answer. It came as I was muting still another insurance commercial and noticed with abhorrence the image of an ostrich with its head burried inb the sand. No, I don't recall the advertiser but if I did I assure you that I would never consider buying their product.
It was the "head in the sand" syndrome that suddenly struck me as being the "reason" for many on the Right to dislike and oppose Trump. They prefer to see politics as having a "gentile" image and existence. It is far from that, of course, and at some basic level they...and we...know that; it is a dirty business involving lying and compromise (always the enemy of doing the right thing and leading us to an even lower "common denominator" of human condition. BUT they have always succeeded in denying or ignoring that side of their profession by using the language of diplomacy or ignoring lies and insults not made to their face. It was a more "comfortable" view of their profession and their lives.
President Trump was and is not diplomatic. He doesn't play "make believe." He responds to attacks even if those attacks come from a distance. He destroyed...and continues to destroy...the illusion that politics was a "gentlemen's" game of high purpose. Those who value their image more than their actions hate the fact that President Trump has confirmed what the American People have long suspected: that for the most part, politicians run a self-serving con game designed to enrich and grant themselves more and more power; that few ever intend to wilfully leave Washington, D.C., and return (horrors) to their "home" towns again...they like being "special" and being treated that way. But President Trump has confirmed that ALL of Washington is a SWAMP infested with greed and criminal enterprises and that there are literally NO good guys or women that have been able to fight the ubiquitous corruption.
President Trump may not be able to defeat or eliminate this state of affairs. As a matter of fact it is pretty certain that little will change after he leaves office. But at least the American Public now know the Truth.
And I thank him for that...and for his efforts.