Violence recently visited our nation's Capitol. Elected Officials responded with fear and outrage. Some died. Generally, the Media condemned the people who demonstrated anger with the Federal Government.
Does anyone else note the similarity and parallels of this event with the Boston Tea Party and other violent events in our country that proceeded the Revolution?
For years, we have been surrounded by the attitude and claim that government exists to serve the people. We even used to call our elected officials and other who get a paycheck from the Government as "Public Servants." Not sure if that term survives in today's America, however. But is is curious how that concept was jettisoned universally in the wake of the demonstration of anger against what many today refer to as "the Washington Swamp." Across the political spectrum, few deny that our elected officials no longer act and vote in a way that demonstrates that they represent those who live in the districts and states from which the were elected...ostensibly to represent the whole of those states and districts rather than serve their personal goals, wants, and desires.
No objective person believes that if Ms. Hillary had been elected anyone not "in the know" in Washington would ever have known about the weaponization of our security agencies, about the lying to the FISA court, and other self-serving motivations of those at the head of these Federal Agencies. The hatred of a person coming to office that wasn't looking for or flattered by being offered a ":seat in the Washington 'club' " was not only natural but essential to the "swamp's" survival. And survive they did,.
Perhaps, however, those who are members of and who value "the Swamp" might be wise to know that those who showed their anger can very well be described as a "small faction" of the electorate, but for each person who was protesting in anger there are 100 who could not attend and who are just as convinced that our government no longer serves or cares about us but instead exists to create power and financial security for themselves. They act and speak as if none of us notice how our elected officials come into office with average self-worth, are paid salaries that barely cover the cost of living in D.C., yet retire with vast fortunes...the source of which is never explained or questioned.
For now, "the Swamp" abides. But I wouldn't bet the farm on just how much longer its control will survive. And the Media is seen as just as corrupt. Tomorrow is another day. As investment firms advertising always says (quickly, in small print or too fast to actually hear) "past performance is no guarantee of future performance." I would add to that "or of survival."